This means it's really hard to "shoot red things" through cover. The spotting system is fairly good - after placing crosshairs on an enemy for a few seconds, a static marker appears in that place for 10 seconds or so. Each soldier has to unlock same items, which is where my biggest gripe with the game is. For a pilot, the grind is to tier4, for a sniper to tier 6. In order to spawn with vehicle, the player needs to buy a tank crewman, or grind a rifleman to tier 3. There's practically no bullet drop of any kind - you point your gun and the shell lands exactly where you are looking at.
None of these really stand out, and the tanks feel really clunky, I have not found the zoom button, so light tanks have better zoom than medium ones. The game features several vehicles for each side - 3 types of tanks (light, medium, heavy), tank destroyers, planes and transport. The game looks about the same as battlefield 2, - rather flat terrain without grass rendering more than 50 meters away, shadows are pretty nice though. Even the login screen says that there are too many germans. Unsurprisingly, the German faction is significantly more populated and is fairly overpowered in terms of tanks and MG42s. There is a shortcut of paying about 8 dollars per weapon and 13 dollars per premium weapon (ex: sniper rifle). While it looks like a regular tank from a side, it actually has 2 MG turrets that rotate about 80 degrees, meaning as a driver, you simply cannot look right. There's a crapton of grinding in an AWFUL M2 tank.
For example, light tank 7 or so unlocks Stuart tank for the US, while light tank 9 unlocks first medium tank.
Players earn 10 levels of badges through gameplay, and one of the last badges (like 8-9 unlocks next tier item). The Pay2Win system consists of a lengthy grind to progressively unlock more powerful weapons. These issues might not be visible for infantry, where you just assume you miss, but seeing a nice shell tracer go straight through makes the issue obvious. No "Armor too Thick" or "Impact angle too high" messages, just does nothing. Playing on a server with "green" ping, I routinely see my tank shots fly straight through the enemy tank, as if it is not there. While the game could've been a 5, it has horrible network issues. Once there are no more spawns, the assault team is defeated. An assault team is essentially a certain number of spawn tickets. Each faction can send an "Assault Team" of 20 players to capture a region. There are two factions - Allies (US) and Axis(Germany). Each faction Mediocre Pay2Win shooter with a couple large maps and several small ones. Mediocre Pay2Win shooter with a couple large maps and several small ones.